About us

Hello world 👋😁
Let me tell you more about our story.
I’m Jonathan, Frontend developer in Paris and founder of DevHero.
I created this brand in 2018 because I did not found any clothes that reflected my passion for coding and the super powers programming skills can brings you.
Since then I encountered dozens of superheroes who can code amazing things, changing the world day after day, deploy after deploy.
DevHero is my way to celebrate those great coders and amazing humans being around the world.
Each piece of garnement we craft is from a part of our daily developers lives.
Each event we support or organize is a way to make our developer’s world better.
Each video we shoot is a invitation to live a greater life empowered by our coding knowledge.
Welcome to the future world we code.
Welcome to the best version of your life.
Welcome to DevHero.
CEO @ DevHero